代表者 : 岩田 量平
住所 : 〒451-0042 愛知県名古屋市西区那古野1-14-18 那古野ビル北館121
TEL : 090-6593-9500
Director : NAKAYAMA Shin-ichi
ADD : Nagono Bld. 121, 1-14-18, Nagono, Nishiku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 451-0042
TEL : +81 90-6593-9500
We believe that contemporary art leads to liberation, changing an existing image and sometimes even transforming one's values in this congested society. But more than clinging to the classics or simple technique, we believe that we must find and present artworks that both launch the artist's sensibility into the contemporary era, as well as a platform that asks and demands its trueth from the viewers.